This piece is the realization of an idea of the Le Pli Français collective. It was about writing music for the dead and for the dead that could only be heard in its entirety a few meters above the ground.
Sir Alice then worked with the Collectif MU 's Sound Delta system to make a graveyard an orchestra in which the listeners can move. With this system listeners wear haeadphones and are tracked by a GPS system. They can only hear each instruments from the set by walking around the graveyard. They can never hear the piece played by the whole orchestra. Amort plunges the listener into the heart of a phantom symphony orchestra in the Cimetière de la Villette.
Through the movements that animate the sixteen sound sources, Sir Alice offers a song of the dead retracing the link between memories, memory and the soul of the dead. Through music, the listener accesses in a gentle and harmonious way snatches and fragments of the life of the dead. Amort is a metaphor for the decomposition of the body to dust. The play is twenty minutes long and is divided into three acts: the encounter, the fusion (love), and the separation represented by a slowing down (death). It is written to be listened to over and over again.
For this project, Sir Alice obtained the Medici Villa Outside the Walls scholarship to go to China, where death is seen as a natural continuation of life. She also used in the piece the guhzeng, a Chinese celestial instrument.