No Matter
Julie Nioche’s performance
“Performance in a public bath The meeting with Japan in 2008 and with the Japanese choreographer Takiko Iwabushi gives the starting point of this collaboration under the principle of the piece Matter. From the reality of creation in Japan and the possibility of investing in ozens (traditional Japanese public baths), the piece No matter was born. Takiko brought Julie Nioche, and musicians Alexandre Meyer and Alice Daquet to travel in Japanese creative modes to create a piece made of slow metamorphoses.”
We worked, with the guitarist Alexandre Meyer, on compositions. I had to sing while performing, interacting with the dancers.
Conception : Julie Nioche
Performance : Alice Daquet, Takiko Iwabushi, Alexandre Meyer et Julie Nioche
Music : Sir Alice et Alexandre Meyer
Costumes : Noriko Kitamura
Video : Laure Delamotte-Legrand
Production : A.I.M.E., Association d’Individus en Mouvements Engagés
in assocation with Dance Theater Ludens (Cie de Takiko Iwabushi, Tokyo)
Coproduction : Centre des Arts d’Enghien-les-Bains, Saison Foundation Tokyo, Affaires Culturelles du Japon.
With the support of Cultures France
In partner ship with Les Rives d’Enghien, Lucien Barrière for the representaiotns at the Spark et J.C.D.N. - Tokyo